Ready Steady Nursery
Welcome to Ready Steady Nursery!
Mrs Hattan and Mrs Hill can’t wait to welcome your child into Nursery at Shiremoor Primary School. We would like to provide support for your child with a smooth transition as they begin school life in the Daisy Nursery.
To help you to support your child during this transition we have filmed videos to explain what it means to be ‘school ready’ and why it is important. We also provide ways that you can support your child at home, including our top tips for a creating a positive daily routine that includes some simple, fun and engaging learning activities with practical resources that you will already have around the house.
For children who are new to our school setting, we hope you enjoy the videos and top tips included and will find Shiremoor Primary School a welcoming and friendly place to learn.
Nursery Video Clips
Hello Song
Goodbye Song