Governor List
Meet Our School Governors
Name: Mr G Hill
Category: Local Authority Governor
Position: Chair of Governors
Responsibilities/Committees: Safeguarding, Finance and Premises, Staffing/Communications, Health and Safety
Date Re-Appointed: 01/09/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 31/08/2026
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Spouse works in school
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 3/3
Committees attended 2023/24: Finance 3/3 Staffing 1/1, Health and Safety 1/1
Name: Ms N Anderson
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Staffing/Communications, Health and Safety
Date Re- Appointed: 11/10/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 10/10/2027
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Non declared
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 0/3
Committees attended 2023/24: Staffing 1/1, Health and Safety 0/1
Name: Mr N Barton
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Physical Education, Health and Safety
Date Appointed: 11/10/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 10/10/2027
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Non declared
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 2/3
Committees attended 2023/24: N/A
Name: Mrs F Frazer
Category: Parent Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: EYFS
Date Appointed: 11/05/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 10/05/2027
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Non declared
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 2/3
Committees attended 2023/24: N/A
Name: Mr G Watson
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: To be arranged
Date Appointed: 11/05/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 10/05/2027. Resigned 02/09/2024
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Nation Heating Services
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 2/3
Committees attended 2023/24: N/A
G Watson Community Governor resigned: 02/09/2024
Name: Mr D Simpson
Category: Community Governor
Position: Vice Chair of Governors
Responsibilities/Committees: Finance and Premises, Technology
Date Appointed: 01/03/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 28/02/2027
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Co-Chair Backworth Primary School
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 3/3
Committees attended 2023/24: Finance 3/3
Name: Ms V Hall
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Finance and Premises and Staffing and Communications
Date Appointed: 01/03/2023
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 28/02/2027
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Non declared
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 2/3
Committees attended 2023/24: Finance 1/3
Name: Mr P Finlay
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Health and Safety. Geography and History
Date Appointed: 08/11/2024
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 07/11/2028
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Sounds and Visions (NE) LTD
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 2/3
Committees attended 2023/24: Health and Safety 0/1
Name: Mr J Noble
Category: Staff Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: To be decided
Date Appointed: 31/08/2024
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 30/08/2028
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Non declared
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: N/A
Committees attended 2023/24: N/A
Name: Mrs G Tawse
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Finance and Premises. Literacy
Date Appointed: 11/02/2020.
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 09/02/2028
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Governor Backworth Park Primary School
Full Governors Meetings attended 2023/24: 3/3
Committees attended 2023/24: Finance 3/3
Name: Mrs J Eatock
Category: Community Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities/Committees: Staffing/Communications. Numeracy
Date Re- Appointed: 11/02/2020
Term of Office: 4 years
Date Term of Office Expires: 09/02/2028
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Headteacher Beech Hill Primary School. Governor Beech Hill Primary School Board Member of Valour MAT
Mrs F Hughes
Category: Parent Governor
Position: Governor
Responsibilities: Non
Date appointed: 08/11/2024
Term of Office: 4 years
Date term of office expires: 07/11/2028
Business Interests: Non
Full Governors meeting attended: 23/24 N/A
Committees attended: 23/24 N/A
Name: Mrs B Middleton
Category Headteacher Governor
Expired/Resigned Governors 2023/24
Name: Mr S Nicholson
Staff Governor
Term of office expired: 30/08/2024
Name: P Finlay
Parent Governor
Term of Office expired: 08/11/2024
Name: G Watson
Community Governor
Resigned 02/09/2024
The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012:
The Governing Body shall consist of:
- Two Parent Governors
- One Local Authority Governor
- One Staff Governor
- One Headteacher
- Seven Community Governors
The Instrument of Government came into effect on 1st September 2015.
Governors should not be approached on the school yard or by individual parents. Any matters to be raised come under the ‘management of the school’ and queries must go to school staff.
All Governors can be contacted via Mrs K Quinn, Clerk to the Governors.
If you would like to contact a Governor please telephone the school office 0191 252 4188 or by email at
Parent Governors
Parent Governors are elected by and from amongst the parents.
Local Authority Governors
Local Authority Governors are appointed by the local authority.
Staff Governors
The Headteacher is automatically a governor and so has a vote. The Headteacher may choose not to be a governor but will still retain the right to attend all governor meetings. Other staff governors are elected by, and from amongst, the school's teaching and non-teaching staff.
Community Governors
Community governors are appointed by members of the governing body. They can bring expertise found in the local community (including the business sector).