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Charging and Remissions

Shiremoor Primary School endeavours to offer a broad, balanced curriculum to all pupils.  In order to deliver the curriculum and extend opportunities for the pupils extra curricular activities are offered.

The school provides funding for all external visits from school budget allocation. Parents are invited to make a voluntary contribution to more expensive outings.

The school offers most extra curricular activities free of charge but in some instances e.g. Judo, pupils make payment to take part in the programme.

Wherever possible school pays for or subsidies extra curricular activities e.g. transport to football matches.

Instrumental music lessons may incur a charge to cover the cost of a peripatetic teacher and equipment use.

Residential trips for e.g. to High Borrans are paid for by parents.  To support families we offer a weekly savings scheme.  Extra subsidies for excursions etc are made by school where necessary.

In order to remove financial barriers from disadvantaged pupils, the governing body has agreed that, where possible, some activities and visits where charges can legally be made will be offered at no charge or a reduced charge to parents in particular circumstances.  Please enquire at the school office for more information.

Governing Body

The Governing Body recognises its responsibility to ensure that the offer of activities and educational visits does not place an unnecessary burden on family finances.  To this end we will try to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Where possible we will publish a list of visits (and their approximate cost) at the beginning of the school year so that parents can plan ahead.
  • We have established a system for parents to pay in instalments.
  • When an opportunity for a trip arises at short notice it will be possible to arrange to pay by instalments beyond the date of the trip.
  • We acknowledge that offering opportunities on a ‘first pay, first served’ basis discriminates against pupils from families on lower incomes and we will avoid that method of selection.

Extended Hours Provision

Shiremoor Primary School offers the following extended hours provision for parents:

Breakfast Club the current fees are:

£3.00 per session per child

It has always been the schools intention to offer the best opportunities to all pupils and endeavour to support a wide range of learning opportunities through our budget allocation.

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